Getting Started

How to download and start using Kombustion


Kombustion is built for Linux, FreeBSD and MacOS.

Get the latest release from the downloads page.

After downloading you will need to move the kombustion binary into your $PATH, and make it executable.

$ sudo chmod +x kombustion
$ sudo mv kombustion /usr/local/bin/kombustion

You can run kombustion -v to confirm you have the correct version installed.

Create your project

In the root directory of your repository containing your CloudFormation templates run the following to create the kombustion.yaml file:

# Create a new kombustion.yaml file in the current directory
$ kombustion init

Add a plugin

To use a plugin you first need to add it to your project

Writing your template

Kombustion is fully backwards compatible with native CloudFormation templates. You can use any of your existing templates to get started, otherwise here’s one to help you get started:

# example.yaml
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: "A simple SNS topic"
        Type: "AWS::SNS::Topic"
            TopicName: "MyExampleTopic"

Ensuring your credentials are available

Kombustion will use the AWS CLI provided credentials location. If you already have the AWS CLI installed and have run an aws configure, you’re good to go. If not, we can craft this file ourselves without the need to install the AWS CLI tooling. The default file location is ~/.aws/credentials and looks like the following:

# ~/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = AKIAXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
aws_secret_access_key = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Upserting your stack

The following will upsert the stack you have created when you specify the filename of the stack:

kombustion upsert example.yaml